CODE-STAT data review software and service

CODE-STAT data review software and service

Insights to drive improved CPR performance

Turn your passion for saving lives into targeted improvements—CODE-STAT data review software and service lets you easily understand team performance immediately after response.


CODE-STAT data review software and service | Stryker


Better data means better CPR

CODE-STAT software and service makes it easy to see and correlate key CPR performance metrics while the incident is still fresh. Spot at a glance where you need to improve—or gain confidence in your team’s operations and skills. Measure, review, report and repeat.

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Drive better care

Respond more effectively with easier access to complete event data.

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Train more efficiently

Focus training and performance management where it’s needed most.

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Make improvement faster and easier

Simplify the collection, analysis and sharing of data that can power performance reviews and enhancement.

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Save time on data collection and reporting

Collect information automatically and customize required reports and documentation.

Medical professional reviewing post-event patient data



Accelerate your QA/QI efforts with insights revealed through comprehensive CODE-STAT analysis. 2013 AHA Consensus Statement recommendations on CPR quality suggest maintaining “continuous quality improvement on provider, team, and system levels.”1 CODE-STAT software gives you quick access to relevant high-quality data—including compression hands-on time, chest compression and ventilation, rate, longest pause, peri-shock pause time and time elapsed before first shock.

The CODE-STAT data review software is shown on a computer screen with a white background

See resuscitation performance at a glance

  • Display CPR metrics visually, according to your targets, for intuitive insight.
  • Dive into moment-by-moment details of an entire event on a graphic, continuous time scale.
  • Review interval statistics for the entire resuscitation, broken down by time interval.

Create custom analytics and reporting according to your needs

  • Customize display of the statistics and details you need most, including CPR performance, ECG and EtCO2 waveforms and CO2 trend data.
  • Annotate the stories of each resuscitation event to add context or focus attention on achievements or areas needing improvement.
  • Create individual or summary reports.
Two medical professionals review post-event data using the CODE-STAT data review software and system
Three medical professionals review patient data on a tablet using CODE-STAT data review software

Streamline reporting

  • Easily create summary, detail or custom reports for performance reviews, training plans or documentation.
  • Provide feedback to caregivers in a simple, intuitive format.
  • Track performance improvement and trends over time.

Reduce data handling effort

An EMT transmits a report to a hospital using the LIFEPAK 15 monitor/defibrillator
A customer service representative wears a headset while speaking to customer

Trusted consultation and support services

  • Two-day delivery of expert case-reviewed CPR reports.
  • Initial and ongoing consultation.
  • Monthly or quarterly reporting based on your needs.
  • Secure data transmission.
  • Helps facilitate data collection for hospital reporting requirements.
  • Subscriptions available for EMS agencies or hospitals of any size.

Speed clinically significant improvements

Research shows clinically significant improvements can occur when using objective data evaluation software such as CODE-STAT and providing feedback to enhance resuscitation team performance. CPR quality was compared during a 12-month period before introducing post-resuscitation feedback to a similar period afterward for the following: chest compression fraction (CCF), compression rates and non-shock pauses.


Chest compression fraction improved from 79 percent to 86 percent


Chest compression rates within recommended range improved from 87 percent to 90 percent


Non-shock pauses decreased from 40 seconds to 19 seconds

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ProCare service plans

Focus on saving lives while extending the integrity of your devices with a ProCare service plan.

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Product resources

Find a variety of documents including best practices, datasheets and clinical information for easy download.  

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Training and education

Discover webinars, online and in-person courses and other resources to strengthen your clinical education.

CODE-STAT training video part 1 introduction

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CODE-STAT training video part 2 waveform viewer navigation and tools

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CODE-STAT training video part 3 annotation tools

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LIFEPAK 15 V4+ monitor/defibrillator

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LIFEPAK CR2 defibrillator

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LUCAS 3, v3.1 chest compression system

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